Dr. Maarten Jan Van Strien
![Dr. Maarten Jan Van Strien](/people/person-detail.person_image.jpeg?persid=MTYzODAz)
Dr. Maarten Jan Van Strien
Lecturer at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
ETH Zürich
Additional information
Course Catalogue
Spring Semester 2025
Curriculum Vitae
Professional experience
Current research projects
- Assessing emergent phenomena in complex social-ecological systems with time series of settlement and habitat networks EMPHASES.
- Coupling of habitat and settlement networks to study the resilience of habitat connectivity CHECNET.
Previous research projects
- Towards a more sustainable management of soil resources by redistribution of economic and ecological added and reduced values SUMSOR.
- Implementation of the webSDSS PALM.
- Neutral landscapes for re-creating real landscapes and generating landscape series LG.
Conference presentations (only first-author presentations)
Van Strien MJ, Grêt-Regamey A (2023) Roads and traffic: an important telecoupling between urban and rural areas. Oral presentation at the IALE World Congress, 10-15 July, Hybrid, Nairobi, Kenya
Van Strien MJ, Grêt-Regamey A (2023) Modelling changes in traffic-habitat interactions at a global scale. European Conference on Ecological Modelling, 4-8 September, Leipzig, Germany
Van Strien MJ (2023) The ecological footprint of rural road traffic. Invited speaker at CEREAL seminar (Conversations on the Environment, Responsible Energy, And Life), 31 October 2023, Princeton University, USA.
Van Strien MJ, Grêt-Regamey A (2022) Global spatial-temporal trends in habitat fragmentation by road traffic. Infrastructure & Ecology Network Europe (IENE) international conference, 19-23 September, Hybrid, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Van Strien MJ, Heitzler M, Bürgi M, Hurni L, Grêt-Regamey A, (2022) Segmenting historical maps to build time-series of settlement and habitat networks across Switzerland. Oral presentation at the IALE European Landscape Ecology Congress, 11-15 July, Online.
Van Strien MJ, Khiali-Miab A, Grêt-Regamey A (2022) Coupled settlement and habitat networks as social-ecological systems. Oral presentation at the World Biodiversity Forum, 26 June – 1 July 2022, Davos, Switzerland.
Van Strien MJ, Khiali-Miab A, Grêt-Regamey A (2021) Are urban and conservation planning goals compatible? Optimising living conditions for humans and animals in coupled settlement and habitat networks. Oral presentation at International Conference from Plans to Land Change, 20-22 April 2021, Birmensdorf, Switzerland.
Van Strien MJ, Grêt-Regamey A (2020) Automated landscape typologies with Deep Convolutional Embedded Clustering. Oral presentation at DSML@DBAUG, 14 October 2020, Zurich, Switzerland.
Van Strien MJ, Grêt-Regamey A (2020) Generic approach to assess trade-offs and tipping-points in complex socio-ecological systems – an application to agro-ecosystems. Oral presentation at the World Biodiversity Forum, 23-28 February 2020, Davos, Switzerland.
Van Strien MJ, Khiali-Miab A, Grêt-Regamey A (2020) The compatibility of conservation and urban planning goals: Can living conditions for both biodiversity and humans be optimised? Oral presentation at the World Biodiversity Forum, 23-28 February 2020, Davos, Switzerland.
Van Strien MJ, Khiali-Miab A, Ortiz-Rodríguez DO, Holderegger R, Grêt-Regamey A (2019) Optimal landscapes for both animals and humans: maximising living conditions in large-scale coupled habitat and settlement networks. Oral presentation at the Ecological Modelling Global Conference, 1-5 October 2019, Salzburg, Austria
Van Strien MJ, Huber SH, Grêt-Regamey A (2019) The effect of external drivers on tipping-points in agricultural land-use intensity. Oral presentation at the IALE World Congress, July 1-5 2019, Milano, Italy
Van Strien MJ, Huber SH, Grêt-Regamey A (2019) Understanding agricultural extensification: assessing the effect of external drivers on trade-offs and tipping-points in intensive and extensive agriculture. Oral presentation at GLP Open Science Meeting, 26 April 2019, Bern, Switzerland
Van Strien MJ, Ortiz-Rodríguez DO, Khiali-Miab A, Grêt-Regamey A, Guisan A, Holderegger R (2018) Maintaining habitat connectivity in an urbanising world: understanding interactions in large-scale coupled habitat and settlement networks. Oral presentation at European Congress of Conservation Biology 2018, 12-15 June 2018, Jyväskylä, Finland
Van Strien MJ, Ortiz-Rodríguez DO, Khiali-Miab A, Grêt-Regamey A, Guisan A, Holderegger R (2018) Lebensraumnetzwerke unter Siedlungs- und Verkehrswachstum im Schweizer Mittelland. Schweizer Landschaftskongress, 23-24 August 2018, Luzern, Switzerland
Van Strien, MJ, Khiali-Miab, A, Ortiz Rodriguez, DO, Holderegger, R, Grêt-Regamey, A (2017) Well-connected living spaces for both animals and humans: unravelling complex interactions in coupled habitat and settlement networks, IALE 2017, 12-15 September 2017, Gent, Belgium.
Van Strien, MJ (2016) Optimal settlement and road network configurations for habitat connectivity – results from modelling coupled habitat and human networks. IENE international conferences on ecology and transportation, 30 August – 2 September 2016, Lyon, France.
Van Strien, MJ (2015) How do settlement and road network patterns affect habitat connectivity? Results from a coupling of habitat networks and human networks. Spatial ecology and conservation 3, 13-15 July 2015, Bristol, UK
Van Strien, MJ (2015) Coupling habitat and human networks: effects of settlement and road configuration on habitat connectivity. Complex Networks in Ecology II, 1 June 2015, Zaragoza, Spain
Van Strien, MJ (2013) Habitat shape and population arrangement: essential aspects in landscape genetics. International Association for Landscape Ecology European Congress, 9 September 2013, Manchester, UK
Van Strien, MJ (2013) Advances in landscape genetic methods and theory - lessons learnt from insects in agricultural landscapes. PhD defence talk, 30 November 2012, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Van Strien, MJ (2012) Effect of migration distance and population network topology on landscape genetic results. 10-12 April 2012, Ecological Genetics Group Conference, Edinburgh, UK.
Van Strien, MJ (2011) Linking landscape and genetic structure: presenting an objective and interpretable landscape genetic method. 5-7 September 2011, Spatial ecology and conservation conference, Birmingham, UK.
Van Strien, MJ (2010) Do connectivity measures enhance gene flow? Development of a landscape genetic method, 15 January 2010, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.