10 years RPG 1
The Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development (IRL) is organizing a public event for the 10 years of the revision of the federal Spatial Planning Act (RPG1) in Switzerland.
The tenth anniversary of the implementation of the revision of the Spatial Planning Act is in 2024. This milestone provides an opportunity for a reflection on the application and an outlook on the challenges of Swiss spatial plan-ning as well as an exchange between IRL research and planning practice. Main research highlights, concrete thematic inputs as well as a round table with representatives of different planning levels and authorities shall stimulate discussions.
The event will take place in German.
02 November 2023, 2 - 5 p.m.
ETH Zentrum HG E3, Rämistreet 101, 8092 Zurich

Download Flyer RPG 1 (PDF, 148 KB)
Research Input by
PLUS Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems
SPUR Spatial Development and Urban Policy
Round Table with
Damian Jerjen EspaceSuisse
Dunja Kovàri-Binggeli sa_partners
Monika Litscher Schweizerischer Städteverband
René Hutter Baudirektion des Kantons Zug
Rahel Marti Hochparterre (Moderation)
Followed by an Apéro
Registration until Sunday, 22 October 2023, or until fully booked via this form. No registration fee.
Contact: Andreas Farner,