Dr. Markus Nollert

Dr. Markus Nollert
Lecturer at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
ETH Zürich
Additional information
Research area
Dr. Markus Nollert focuses his research on spatial transformation and planning methods. His area of expertise lies at the interface between conceptual design work, political consultation and implementation as well as public participation. He also explores these fields as co-founder and partner of urbanista.ch with additional expertise in the development of suitable processes of collaborative planning and decision-making in multi-actor networks. As co-founder of Urban Equipe and Nextzürich he deals with the challenges of public participation, civic tech and participatory budgeting.
Co-Leader Spatial Transformation Laboratries
- Planerisches Entwerfen und Argumentieren
- Introduction in Spatial Development and Argumentation (ISDT)
- Integrierte Projektarbeit (IPA)
- MAS Raumplanung
until 2019:
- Theories and Methods in Planning
- "Spaital Design" (International Doctoral College)
Research, Projects
- Possibilities of supporting transformation processes through parametric design tools.
- Inside test planning: Exploring success factors and obstacles to application >
Concluded (at the Chair of Spatial Development, Selection)
- Spatial Planning Matters >
- Informal planning procedures in small and medium-sized municipalities >
- HESP – Higher Education in Spatial Planning >
- SAPONI - Spaces and Projects of National Importance >
- CODE Patras >
- CODE Athens >
- Railway and spatial development on the North-South Transversal (Code 24) >
- Raum+ Sustainable cross-border settlement area management >
- Swiss model project Raum+ Schwyz - settlement area potential for inward settlement development >
- Raum+ Uri >
- Future Spatial Development Limmattal >
- REUR- «Spatial development lower Reuss valley» >
- Spatial planning and development in Switzerland >
- 2013: doctorate at the chair for Spatial Development, ETH Zurich. Title: Spatial Design. Design as a core element in clarification processes of actionoriented planning - using the example of the regional scale, supervised by Prof. Dr. sc. techn. Bernd Scholl and Prof. Dr. sc. techn. Michael Koch
- 2007-2013 Doctoral student at ETH Zurich
- 2007-2011 Member of the international Doctoral College “Spatial Research Lab"
- 1998-2004: Education at the University of Karlsruhe (TH), Faculty of Civil Engineering, Degree: Dipl. Ing. civil engineering, specialising in spatial and infrastructure planning
Professional experience in research and practice
- Since 2020: Co-Founder and owner of the planning office urbanista.ch
- Since 2019: Co-Leader of the Spatial Transformation Laboratories at the IRL, ETH Zürich
- 2018 - 2020: Co-Founder und Board-Member of the participation-Think-tank urban-equipe
- 2013 – 2019: Co-founder and head of the participation-plattform NEXTZÜRICH
- 2011- 2019: Founder and owner of the bureaufürRAUMENTWICKLUNG
- 2009 – 2019: Lecturer at the Chair of Spatial Development, Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development, ETH Zurich
- 2006 – 2011: scientific assistant at the Chair of Spatial Development, ETH Zürich
- 2005 – 2006: scientific assistant at the Institute für Urban and Regional Planning, University of Karlsruhe
Nollert, Markus (2020), Entwerfen/Methode(n) Designing/Method(s), in: Internationales Doktorandenkolleg «Forschungalabor Raum»: Anon (2021) Grenzen überschreiten - Räume aktivieren = crossing borders activating spaces. Berlin: Jovis Berlin.
Nollert, Markus, van Wezemael, Joris (2029): Königsdisziplin der Innenentwicklung: Schlieren stellt sich der Transformation seines Bestands, in: Werk, Bauen + Wohnen, Band 106, Heft 6 (2019), 34.
Nollert, Markus (2017): How ‘moving simultaneously’ opened new possibilities in solving a muddled situation: the case of Brig, Switzerland, in: Scholl, B. et al. (2018) Spatial planning matters! : inspiring stories and fundamental topics. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich.
DOI:10.3929/ethz-b-000291043 Research Collection
Nollert, Markus, Schönwand, Walter (2017): Recommendations of Action, in: Scholl Bernd (ed.): Scholl, B. et al. (2018) Spatial planning matters! : inspiring stories and fundamental topics. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich.
DOI:10.3929/ethz-b-000291043 Research Collection
Grams, Anita; Hoch, Charles, Nollert, Markus: (2017): Puzzling: How Spatial Planners Compose Plans Together, in: Scholl, B. et al. (2018) Spatial planning matters! : inspiring stories and fundamental topics. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich.
DOI:10.3929/ethz-b-000291043 Research Collection
Klammer Julia; Van den Anker, Fred; Nollert,Markus (2016): E-Partizipation in der Stadtentwicklung: kritische Erfolgsfaktoren, Mehrwert und Anforderungen an die Umsetzung [E-Participation in urban development – critical succes-factors, added value and requirements for implementation]. In: Drilling, Matthias et. al. (Ed.) Emanzipation, Soziale Arbeit und Stadtentwicklung, Eine programmatische und methodische Herausforderung [Emancipation, Social Work and Urban Development, A programmatic and methodological challenge], Budrich, Leverkusen-Opladen
Nollert, Markus (2015): Das Begleitgremium nimmt Stellung [the accompanying group takes position] in: KARLSRUHE (Ed.), Neppl, Markus (Ed.), Ringler, Harald (Ed.), Stippich, Matthias (Ed.), Henning, Christian (Ed.), Stoll, Benedikt (Ed.): Auf dem Weg zum Räumlichen Leitbild Karlsruhe [on the way to the Spatial Vision Karlsruhe], KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe
DOI: 10.5445/KSP/1000047352
Nollert, Markus (2013): Raumplanerisches Entwerfen. Entwerfen als Schlüsselelement von Klärungsprozessen der aktionsorientierten Planung - am Beispiel des regionalen Massstabs [Spatial Design. Design as a core element in clarification processes of action-oriented planning - using the example of the regional scale], Dissertation, ETH, Zurich
DOI:10.3929/ethz-a-009937192 Research Collection
Van den Broeck, Jef with Paolo La Greca, Piotr Lorens, Markus Nollert, Rolf Signer (2012): The Core of thePlanning Discipline: New Paradigms, Fields of Knowledge, Capacities, Skills, Maxims and Methods«, in: Scholl Bernd (Ed.): HESP - Higher Education in Spatial Planning, vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich.
Heller, Michael; Nollert, Markus (2012), Lectures in Spatial Design, In: Bernd Scholl (Ed.), HESP - Higher Education in Spatial Planning, vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich.
Elgendy, Hany Mostafa; Nollert, Markus, Seidemann, Dirk; Wilske, Sebastian; Scholl, Bernd; Jacob, Henrike, Büscher, Dirk (2008): Schlussbericht des Kooperationsprojektes Raum+ | Nachhaltiges grenzüberschreitendes Siedlungsflächenmanagement - ein Regions- und Nationalgrenzen überschreitendes Kooperationsprojekt, Stuttgart [Final report of the cooperation project Raum + | Sustainable cross-border settlement area management - cooperation project that transcends regional and national borders], Wirtschaftsministerium Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart
Alexandropolou, Aimilia; Kurtarır,Erhan; Junussova, Madina; Nollert,Markus (2007): “Establishing Alliances among Urban Actors”In: 16th Young Planning Professionals’ Report - To Integrate or to Disintegrate: Re-assembling the Patchwork of disintegrated Functions in Istanbul Central Area ISOCARP; The Hague
Scholl, Bernd, Elgendy, Hany, Nollert, Markus (2007): Spatial Planning in Germany – Formal Structure and Future Tasks, publication series of the Institute for city and regional planning University of Karlsruhe, Germany, Issue Nr. 35
Nollert, Markus; Schweizer Michael; Seidemann Dirk (2006): „Informal Aspects of cross border metropolitan Governance“, In: ISoCaRP 42th International Planning Congress: „Cities between integration and disintegration“ Congress CD, The Hague: ISoCaRP
Since | Membership |
2019 | Board Member of the City intelligence Lab of the AIT |