PD Dr. Joris Van Wezemael

PD Dr.  Joris Van Wezemael

PD Dr. Joris Van Wezemael

Privatdozent/in at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

ETH Zürich

Inst. f. Raum- u. Landschaftsentw.

HIL H 41.2

Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5

8093 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

Joris Van Wezemael links geography with urbanism, spatial planning with real estate and academic debate with business practice.

Main Topic: Metamorphosis of contemporary urban landscapes.

Key perspectives: Complexity & Decision-making / Demographic Dynamics / Technology & Space/ Housing & Real Estate 


Ongoing projects:

Streetwise: streetwise.space

Commercial structure, spatial linkage and attractiveness

Decentralised Switzerland: How the Corona crisis can lead to more sedentarisation and decentralisation and what this means for us and our living spaces


Completed SN projects:

SNF Projekte



Executive in Residence and habilitated lecturer in the field of "Urban Transformation".

Head (study delegation) of the MAS / CAS / DAS continuing education formats (deputy: Prof. Dr. Ardienne Grêt-Regamey).

Head and co-owner, IVO Innenentwicklung AG, Zurich and Lucerne







Professorial Disser-
tation (Habilitation) 

Dissertation on the «complexity turn» in spatial planning and housing. Department of Architecture, ETH Zürich


Ph.D. Economic Geography

Dissertation on inward development in Switzerland. Economic Geography Group, Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland. (Faculty Award)


M.Sc. Geography

Thesis on Housing Market Regulation and Segregation Processes in Zurich. Economic Geography Group, Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Minor subjects: Math, Geology, Economics, Sociology


Matura Typus C        

Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliches Gymnasium Alpenquai, Luzern


Akademische Positionen          

ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

2019 – present

2012 – 2019

Executive in Residence and Provatdozent, D-BAUG, ETHZ

Privatdozent (Associate Professor), D-ARCH, ETHZ

2007 – 2009

Director of the Centre for Research on Architecture, Society & the Built Environment, Department of Architecture

University of Freiburg, Switzerland

2012 – 2014

Adjunct Professor

2009 – 2012

Professor for Urban Geography and Spatial Development, Head of the Socio-Spatial Complexity Lab

University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

2006 – 2007

Visiting Fellow (Swiss National Science Foundation Research Fellowship), School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape

University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

1997 – 2006

Tutor (1997 – 1999), Assistant (2000 – 2004) and Associate Investigator (2005 – 2006), Economic Geography Group, Department of Geography


Year Distinction
2016 Best-in-class award, Rochester MBA Programs with University of Bern
2005 Faculty award for the Ph.D., Faculty of Science, University of Zurich
2003 Grant for academic excellence from the University of Zurich

Course Catalogue

Spring Semester 2025

Number Unit
135-0001-00L Einführung: Grundlagen der Raumentwicklung
135-0201-00L Modul 1: Urbane Governance
135-0202-00L Modul 2: Stadt der Akteure
135-0203-00L Modul 3: Verfahrensdesign
135-0204-00L Modul 4: Organisationsdesign
135-0205-00L Modul 5: Transformation gestalten
135-0206-00L Design Studio
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