Enlarged view: costalogo

The project will analyze existing networks related to sustainable urban and regional development. It will examine the opportunities of knowledge transfer to enhance sustainable development in the networking cities and regions. The project will focus on the aspect of multi-level governance and cohesion between and within European city-regions. It will show how sustainability networks function, their success, existing problems, and the obligations of networking partners. It will also analyze how city-region networking can promote sustainability in an enlarged Europe of 27+2. The aim is to improve this kind of networking and analyze how the public can (or could be) better involved. Finally, recommendations for cities and regions, particularly from Switzerland, will be given.

Project data


6/2005 - 5/2007


external page COST- European Co-operation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research
external page State Secretariat for Education and Research

Project team

  • Marco Keiner
  •  Arley Kim


The project is part of an European working group within the COST Action A26: external page Sub-national Dilemmas in an Age of Multilevel Governance