NRP54: Scenarios for Sustainable Development of the Built Environment in Switzerland (2005-2030)

Funded by
external page NFP54: Nationales Forschungsprogramm
Nachhaltige Siedlungs- und Infrastrukturentwicklung
- Prof. Dr. Martin Schuler, EPFL Lausanne
- Dr. Manfred Perlik, Innsbruck
2005 - 2008
Spatial development patterns in Switzerland and future development trends and infrastructure requirements are not only the result of policy and planning decisions at Swiss federal and cantonal levels but are also considerably influenced by overall development structures in Middle Europe. Both the effects of the enlargement of the European Union as well as the European strategies for territorial development will have considerable direct and indirect impacts on Swiss territory. The driving forces and influence of the EU’s spatial development will require a response and/or adaptation of Swiss policies on sustainable development and spatial planning.
The objective of the project is to build transdisciplinary and implementation oriented scenarios that address the following research questions (amongst others):
- What kind of impact will the spatial development of the EU have on the Swiss built environment?
- Which significance will future transportation needs, especially interregional / inter-European have for the Swiss infrastructure (railways, airports, highways)?
- Will the Swiss agglomerations continue to sprawl, taking demographic and economic development into account? What does this mean for human behaviour in space (for example, commuting and land consumption)? What will be the meaning for infrastructure need and maintenance (e.g. costs)?
- How can the Swiss built environment, taking both exogenous and endogenous impacts into account, develop in a sustainable manner?
- Which means should be taken and how can they be implemented through existing, improved or new instruments (policies, strategies, concepts and plans)?
In order to find answers to these questions, scenarios be worked out that will examine the future of sustainable development of the built environment in Switzerland within the European context. The core of the research plan is the elaboration and integration of prospective thematic and prospective policy scenarios with a time horizon until 2030. The result for implementation will be tangible sustainability-oriented policy recommendations for decision-makers and authorities in spatial planning.
Since the future development of settlements and infrastructures in Switzerland depends on overall spatial development trends in Europe, ETHZ-IRL and EPFL-Chôros are participating in the ESPON 3.2 project. This project elaborates the knowledge of future spatial development trends in Europe. Our NRP54 project intends to work in parallel and in close collaboration with ESPON 3.2, following the same research methodology while highlighting the Swiss context
Project Team
- Marco Keiner
- Jolanda Hofschreuder
- Duncan Cavens