Securing the energy turnaround requires the successful implementation of renewable energy infrastructures in our landscape. It is known that providing legal planning certainty increases confidence and social acceptance of planned changes. In Switzerland, concepts and sectoral plans allow coordinating spatially relevant tasks among institutions and exist for transmission lines and for wind energy (concept). Current planning practice is, however, usually done for one type of energy system in a site-specific manner: There is no Swiss-wide and cross-sectoral weighting of interests and a spatial coordination of tasks for a mix of renewable energy infrastructures and their prioritization in the various landscape types in Switzerland is missing. While we know that perceptual impacts caused by renewable energy infrastructures on a specific landscape type are one of the most important factors in explaining opposition or support for such infrastructures, knowledge about the judgment of landscape effects of a mix of such infrastructures in various landscape contexts is missing.


This project focuses, thus, on assessing public judgments of the landscape effects stimulated by a mix of renewable energy infrastructures in Swiss landscapes. The ultimate goal is the formulation of recommendations for a prioritization of such systems in the different Swiss landscapes, as a basis for landscape development through renewable energy infrastructures.


Using state-of-the-art virtual visual-acoustic simulations of the renewable energy infrastructure developments in the various landscapes, we will give participants the opportunity to develop judgments for or against potential changes. Physiological and cognitive measurements including a set of indicators to be considered for landscape quality assessment will be used to assess the preferences for the presented developments.

Recommendations will then be developed in an iterative process with the institutions and practice. Contributing herewith to enhanced implementation procedures will secure competiveness of Swiss energy providers. Furthermore, as an input to landscape development concepts, the results will help break down barriers and potential (often landscape-related) opposition in early planning phases.

Further information

Project data

Project team

Prof. Dr. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, ETH Zürich, PLUS (PI)

Dr. Ulrike Wissen Hayek, ETH Zürich, PLUS (Project coordination)

Reto Spielhofer, ETH Zürich, PLUS

Laura Endres, ETH Zürich, PLUS

Prof. Dr. Tobias Luthe, ETH Zürich, PLUS

external page Prof. Dr. Felix Kienast, WSL, Landscape Dynamics

external page Dr. Marcel Hunziker, WSL, Social Sciences in Landscape Research

external page Dr. Boris Salak, WSL, Social Sciences in Landscape Research

Dr. Tyler Thrash, ETH Zürich, Chair of Cognitive Science

Dr. Victor Schinazi, ETH Zürich, Chair of Cognitive Science

external page Urs Steiger, steiger texte konzepte beratung


-     external page Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE)
-     external page Federal Office of the Environment (Foen)
-     external page WSL, Research Program «Energy Change Impact»
-     external page EKZ
-     external page Meteotest
-     external page Laserdata
-     external page Swissgrid
-     external page SBB AG, Infrastruktur Energie
-     external page Swissolar
-     external page Sophie und Karl Binding Stiftung

Contracting authority

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
National Research Programme
external page NRP 70 «Energy Turnaround»


April 2017 – October 2019


Dr. Ulrike Wissen Hayek ETH Zürich, PLUS




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