3D DSS Erdkabel

3D DSS Interface


The project "Extension of the 3D DSS to support the planning of power lines" (short: 3D DSS project) builds on the predecessor project "3D Decision Support System for the calculation of power lines". The predecessor project focused on approaches to reliably model overhead line corridors. The current project complements the predecessor project by addressing the question of how the existing spatial 3D Decision Support System can be extended to reliably model underground cables.

Motivation and Goal

The planning of underground cables is more complex than that of overhead lines, not only because additional factors have to be taken into account in the underground, but also because the construction of underground cables places high demands on structural and legal feasibility. While with overhead lines, attempts are made to find suitable planning areas and corridors based on different factors using multi-criteria decision analysis approaches, the identification of underground cable corridors is based on more restrictions. In the case of the city of Zurich, for example, ewz restricts the planning area exclusively to public zones (including streets, sidewalks, public places, etc.). Existing infrastructure in the ground must also be taken into account to ensure that no critical intersections occur. The geology and the suitability of the soil for building earth cables is a further component that makes planning even more difficult. For this reason, the research team would like to develop a solution approach that takes these aspects into account and incorporates them into the modelling of possible corridors for underground cable.

Further Information


Project data

Project team

Prof. Dr. Martin Raubal ETH Zürich, IKG (Gesamtprojektleitung)
Joram Schito ETH Zürich, IKG (WP "Modellierung")
Prof. Dr. Adrienne Grêt-RegameyETH Zürich, PLUS (WP "Interface")
Dr. Ulrike Wissen Hayek ETH Zürich, PLUS (WP "Interface")
external page Dr. Stefano Grassi, Gilytics GmbH (WP "Augmented Reality" & WP "User Studies")


Bundesamt für Energie BFE
Sektion Energieforschung und Cleantech
CH-3003 Bern
external page www.bfe.admin.ch

Elia System Operator S.A.
Boulevard de l’Empereur 20
B – 1000 Bruxelles

CH – 8005 Zürich
external page www.ewz.ch

Swissgrid AG
Bleichemattstrasse 31
CH – 5001 Aarau
external page www.swissgrid.ch

Project duration

October 2018 - September 2020


Dr. Ulrike Wissen Hayek ETH Zürich, PLUS

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