AudioVisual Lab

The AV Lab provides a sophisticated environment for research projects and training programs, which focus on different aspects and approaches for integrating sound into 3D landscape visualization and analysis.


Project examples

Although the visual sense is the dominant human sensory component for landscape perception, it only provides partial information about our environment and the way we perceive it. Sound is also a prominent environmental factor. For example, road-traffic noise is influencing human well-being in urban residential environments and the noise produced by wind turbines can be perceived as annoying. However, sounds can also have a relevant positive impact on the perceptual quality of a landscape setting.

Awareness is rising that the effects of sound and noise carefully have to be taken into account in planning and design tasks to maintain or enhance landscape quality. We develop approaches for connecting these features with 3D visual simulation and modeling tools, which is the prerequisite for investigating sound and noise as an integral part of landscape planning and design.

The AV Lab is complemented by a Download Mobile Visual-Acoustic Lab (PDF, 464 KB). This mobile Lab allows demonstrating audio-visual simulations to a broad public at any place, which is reasonably quiet.

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