Intercantonal coordinated monitoring of construction outside building zones
Built-up areas outside the building zones are growing steadily. An intercantonal coordinated monitoring is required to get a better overview on these developments. The projects aims to conceptualize and develop such a monitoring.

Built-up areas outside the building zones grow by about 300 hectares per year. The increase in traffic areas in the non-building zone was also similarly high in the past. This is despite the fact that, according to the Spatial Planning Act, the building zone is to be clearly separated from the non-building zone (Art. 1 RPG) and the agricultural zones serve to secure the food base, preserve the landscape, provide recreation and ecological compensation and are to be kept free of construction as far as possible (Art. 16 RPG).
It can be expected that building pressure in the non-building zone will continue to increase. Intercantonal coordinated monitoring is essential so that undesirable developments in the non-building zone can be identified and, if necessary, appropriate measures can be taken. Within the framework of the spatial monitoring of the federal government, there is already a monitoring of construction outside the building zones. However, the data available to date, especially at the cantonal level, varies greatly in the level of detail. Various aspects (e.g. possible vacancies, developments in agriculture, etc.) are completely missing. Also due to the currently discussed second stage of the partial revision of the Spatial Planning Act (RPG 2) and political initiatives, there is an increased need for data on the non-building zone.
The aim of the project is therefore to supplement the monitoring beyond the existing information and to develop an intercantonally coordinated monitoring of construction outside the building zones (BAB). In order to avoid duplication and to take into account the regional characteristics of the cantons, the monitoring will be designed and tested in cooperation with interested regions and the federal government. This will primarily build on the existing national and cantonal data bases, and new data collections will be geared to the needs of the cantons and the federal government with regard to selected focal topics. In cooperation with the regions, it will be clarified which indicators are relevant for monitoring the respective focal topics and which existing (or planned) data bases can be used to compile the indicators. If the existing data bases are not sufficient, it will be examined how the additionally required data or data to be improved, if necessary, could be generated.
Furthermore, the operationalization will be tested and the transferability of the results to different regions will be validated by comparison. The results will be analyzed and synthesized in terms of their suitability for monitoring BAB together with the study regions and the federal government. Annual workshops are held to obtain feedback from other cantons, federal agencies and associations regarding the transferability of the results to other cantons. Finally, recommendations are formulated on the requirements for an intercantonally coordinated monitoring BAB.
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external page Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE)
external page Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)
external page Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG)
external page Canton Bern (BE)
external page Canton Sankt Gallen (SG)
external page Canton Appenzell Innerrhoden (AI)
external page Canton Appenzell Ausserrhoden (AR)
external page Canton Glarus (GL)
external page Canton Vaud (VD)
07.2021 - 06.2024