Unfolding evidence of transformative capacities in Social Ecological Systems

The aim of the tranSES project is to develop a network-based methodology that identifies transformative capacities in diverse contexts of social-ecological systems (SES) and to support sustainability initiatives in developing effective Theory of Change (ToC). In doing so, we aim to contribute to a better understanding of the transformative capacities of SES and ultimately assist in steering such fundamental changes in SES in an equitable and sustainable way.

In particular, we aim to analyze changes in the SES networks of empirical case studies in mountain areas having experienced transformation by implementing nature-based solutions (NbS). This will allow identifying context-independent network motifs and network indicators, which help characterize complex SES in terms of their capacities to transform. The results will provide inputs for practice on how to develop effective Theory of Change (ToC) within the context of transformative projects. In the first and last phase of the project we will work closely with stakeholders in the case areas by organizing workshops and conducting one-on-one interviews.

We will work on three case studies of SES, characterized by different contexts and having experienced different NbS. The case studies range from restoring trophic cascades through human-bear coexistence management enabling the dispersal of an endangered bear population and other wildlife (Central Apennines, Italy), to converting water management in agropastoral systems in tropical mountains to cope with climate change-related hazards and water scarcity (Cordillera Blanca, Peru), to repurposing alpine mountain areas for hemp cultivation to diversify the mountain economy and increase its resilience (Alps, Switzerland).


In a first step, we will build conceptual networks of three SES exemplars, which have experienced transformation through the interventions of sustainability initiatives in the case studies from an ex post perspective (Task 1). By comparing network situations before and after the transformative interventions and between the case studies, we will then develop context-independent network motifs and indicators to measure transformational capacities in SES networks (Task 2). This should allow us, finally, to identify ex ante leverage points in SES for transformative projects in order to co-design effective ToC strategies with stakeholders in the three case studies and in one of the projects led by a hub of our project partner, the Wyss Academy for Nature (Task 3).


The project is co-financed by ETH Zurich and the external page Wyss Academy for Nature.




Project outputs

Theory of Change strategies are co-developed with participating initiatives; scientific articles and handbook for practitioners will be published.


January 2024 to December 2025


Paula Mayer ETH Zurich, PLUS

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