The MtnPATHS team has the pleasure to incorporate two new members. Prof. Dr. Tobias Luthe, and Dr. Nicolas Salliou.
Tobias Luthe will support the project with his large experience in transdisciplinary sustainability science and systemic design. Nicolas Salliou will contribute his expertise in participatory modelling, and will primarily co-develop a (socio-environmental system) model that will assist the creation of adaptation pathways with mountain stakeholders.

Nicolas’s main interest as a researcher is about transition, innovation and social change in agricultural and food systems. To approach these topics he constructs models in partnership with stakeholders. He has so far built such models to inform agro-ecological transitions of agricultural landscapes and food diet transitions. His main modelling tools are agent-based models, Bayesian networks, argumentation networks and mental models.

Tobias employs science to help innovate for sustainability, combining and integrating rigorous quantitative (network analysis, footprint accounting, choice experiments, engineering) and qualitative methods (design thinking, backcasting, co-creation, surveys). His research spans from social-ecological resilience in mountain and Arctic regions, to circular economy incubation in tourism-dependent mountain regions, to co-design of ecosystems and integrated systems, to sustainability accounting and life cycle assessment.